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What I will learn?
- Learning Objectives
- At the end of this course you will be able to:
- • Understand the differences between Git, Github and Gitlab
- • Install and configure Git for use
- • Use Git to manage files using CLI commands
- • Create, Clone and manage repositories
- • Reviewing audit trails
- • Perform Branching, Merging and Rebasing
- • Prevent and resolve merge conflicts
- • Understand common Git workflows
- • Perform basic troubleshooting of Git
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- What is a Version Control System (VCS)?
- Distributed vs Non-distributed VCS
- What is Git and where did it come from?
- Alternatives to Git
- Cloud-based solutions (Github, Gitlab, BitBucket etc)
- Obtaining Git
- Installing Git
- Common configuration options
- GUI tools
- Clone
- Working Tree
- Checkout
- Staging area
- Add
- Commit
- Push
- Pull
- Stash
- Creating a repository (git init)
- Checking status (git status)
- Adding files to a repository (git add)
- Committing files (git commit)
- Removing staged files (git reset)
- Removing committed files (git rm)
- Checking logs (git log)
- Creating a remote repository (git init)
- Cloning repositories (git clone)
- Updating the remote repository from the local (git push)
- Updating the local repository from the remote (git pull)
- What are Git Tags?
- Listing tags
- Lightweight tags
- Displaying tag details (tag show)
- Annotated tags
- Checking out tags
- Pushing tags
- Pulling tags
- What is a branch
- A note about andlt;HEADandgt;
- Listing branches
- Create new branch
- Checkout branch
- Pushing branches
- Pulling branches
- Fetching Changes (git fetch)
- Rebasing (git rebase)
- Git Pull
- Different ways of using Git
- Centralised
- Feature Branch
- Gitflow Workflow
- Forking Workflow
- What is Stashing?
- Using Stash
- Creating a branch from a Stash
- Removing untracked files (git clean)
- Remove staged changes (git reset)
- Revert a commit (git revert)
- Checkout a previous commit (git checkout)
- Deleting a Branch
- Fast forward merge
- Three way merge
- Resolving merge conflicts
- Cherry-Picking (git cherry-pick)
- Aliases
- Submodules
- Patches
- Hooks